Online shopping at Little Cricket is coming very soon – next week if all goes well:) I’m joining the ranks of all those entrepreneurs before me who took their beloved bricks & mortar shop online. The E-Cricket (as I fondly call it) has been a work in progress since January. Anyone who has popped in the shop this spring has probably seen me furiously typing away, taking pictures and weighing boxes and packaging – all steps taken to bring a modest number of curated items from our store on to the web. We are starting with some of our most popular and most unique items and we’ll see where it goes from there. It’s kinda scary, kinda exciting and most certainly a big mystery. What happens when I press the big red button and launch the store? (It’s not really a big red button….) Will orders flood in? (I doubt it…these things take time…) Do I have enough boxes? (No one can say…) Did I get my weights and shipping metrics right? (Probably not….) Or will I literally just hear crickets….. (At least if no one buys I don’t have to worry about having gotten my shipping metrics wrong…)
I’m not an online shopper myself, so doing this was a bit of a stretch of the imagination for me. Always up for a challenge, I’ve learned a ton the past few months and owe a big thank you to Laura, my trusty Cricket sidekick, for keeping things running around the shop while I devoted my time and focus to this endeavour. While I love seeing my customers in person, I hope they will share the E-Cricket with their friends and families who might enjoy what we have to offer, but where geography (or time) dictates online shopping a neccessity. So spread the word, and even if you don’t shop online yourself, please visit the site and create some traffic for me (helps with the Google rankings they say – I don’t know, I’m still learning:)
If all goes well this week LAUNCH DAY will be July 1st (Canada Day of course! Seemed fitting for a store that prides itself in carrying only Canadian-made products). I will be offering a 20% discount on your online purchase that day, so be sure to check out our offerings – and if you are local, just request a pick-up in store, so no shipping required. Wish me luck!